“…a beauty of sound and striking expression that is rarely surpassed.”
– Bremen Weser Kurier (Germany)

“Their ensemble playing is simply fabulous, perfectly balanced, admirable in its rhythmic security and virtuosity.”
 – Amberger Zeitung (Germany)

“…a musical and lively performance, strong in the technical nuances, and with an exquisite balance of sound.” 
– Augsburger Allgemeine (Germany)

“The Iris Trio engaged with the piece with sensitivity and great tonal beauty, and brilliantly mastered its high technical demands. Definitely music and musicians that invite you to listen again and again!”
– Evelyn Meining, Artistic Director, Mozartfest Würzburg (Germany)

“These mysterious works are uncannily beautiful, and this rendition is absolutely breathtaking.”
 – The WholeNote (Canada)

“…powerhouse trio…”
– McGill University (Canada)

“The spirit of chamber music is writ large…”
– Colin Clarke, Fanfare Magazine (United States)

“…the present disc’s unique programming, coupled with its superb performances and equally excellent recording makes it a real stand-out release…”
– Colin Clarke, Fanfare Magazine (United States)

“…one could hardly wish for better.”
– Huntley Dent, Fanfare Magazine (United States)

“The Iris Trio plays with great beauty, clarity, prowess, authenticity, and teamwork…”
– American Record Guide (United States)

“The commitment of the playing leaves no doubt that the participants are indeed ‘Freundinnen’ [girlfriends].”
– La Scena Musicale (Canada)

 “…performed with an articulate zeal that is as joyful in its expression as it is exacting in its execution. These are extraordinarily, mutually attuned practitioners that deserve our acclaim. They take on the classic and the present-day with equal poise and authentic fluency.”
– Classical-Modern Music Review (United States)

“…sensational abilities that reveal all the poetic charm of the works…”
– Melómano Magazine (Spain)   

“…joy and risk without restraint…”
– Ritmo Magazine (Spain)

“…an enthralling performance. The interpretation and level of execution are exceptional.”
– The Clarinet (International)